
Nouvelle identité graphique pour Artemis Location

Artemis Location - picto ILE DE RE -

En 2023, Artemis Location a confié à l'agence Pluscom la création d'une charte graphique avec la refonte complète de son logo, avec une nuance de bleu, couleur privilégiée de l'Ile de Ré, mais également symbole de rêve et d'évasion. 

Logo Artemis Location

Your single point of contact

Whether it’s to plan your holidays or to engage a third-party service provider

A responsive team

We do everything we can to respond and take action as quickly as possible

We look after your property

We take care to ensure that all stays go well and that your property is looked after with the help of specialised professionals

Finding the right property for you

You’ll enjoy your best-ever holidays in houses that we select with care and attention