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The vesta emblem

VESTA is the new emblem for property professionals who do business covered by the estate agency, property management or property administration regulations.

This symbol is intended to clarify the capabilities of the different professional roles in the property industry and to protect consumers.

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Who is VESTA ?

VESTA is the Roman goddess of the hearth, the home and the family.

Her symbols are the lance and the flame, symbolising defence and the warmth of the hearth.  She inspires warmth, comfort and protection.

Who else could better represent the members of a profession totally committed to what matters the most to the French: their home.

Her motto in Latin, enlighten and defend (lucere defendere), sums up well the role of property professionals.



The contribution of the Fédération Nationale de l'Immobilier (National Property Industry Federation)

The ELAN law of 23rd November 2018 definitively established the qualified professional titles of estate agent, property administrator and co-ownership property management.
Recognition to which the FNAIM contributed greatly, and that it wanted to reinforce by the creation of a  distinctive symbol for the holders of these professional ID cards: the VESTA emblem.

This symbol is intended to clarify the capabilities of the different professional roles in the property industry and to protect consumers.


Why the VESTA emblem?

Because some signs are trustworthy...

This new symbol attests to the fact that your estate agent, syndicate or property administrator holds the professional ID card, which means:

  • ethical standards,
  • training,
  • and the financial and insurance guarantees required by law.


Choosing a professional who has the VESTA emblem means you are working with a professional working to defined standards, you can feel trust and reassurance, be sure that your property project will be successful, be supported in the administrative steps and feel protected and listened to. 


10 good reasons to reserve your holiday through a property professional

Your single point of contact

Whether it’s to plan your holidays or to engage a third-party service provider

A responsive team

We do everything we can to respond and take action as quickly as possible

We look after your property

We take care to ensure that all stays go well and that your property is looked after with the help of specialised professionals

Finding the right property for you

You’ll enjoy your best-ever holidays in houses that we select with care and attention